Rose Park Sunday School (Adults and Children) at 8:45 a.m. / Worship at 9:45 a.m.

Madison Sunday School (Adults and Children) 10:15 a.m. / Worship at 11:15 a.m.

This report was offered at yesterday’s annual meeting of the churches. Though it is a “Pastor’s Report” it reflects the activity of the membership – not just my actions. Come and join in what we are doing.

Charge Conference 2019

Pastor’s Report

I am now in my third year as Pastor-in-Charge at Madison and Rose Park UMC’s I have planned and lead worship each Sunday (minus 2), visited the shut-ins and those in the hospital, I have visited many members at their homes as well, planned and performed four funerals, engaged in welcoming back those who have left the churches, oversaw the completion of the first ever potable water well at Rose Park, oversaw the addition of new playground equipment at both churches, initiated the revival of church bells at Rose Park, initiated story time in both Pavilions summer 2019, revived adult and children’s bible study at Madison UMC, One book and one Bible study, Chili and Bingo night, Youth group meetings, attended meetings of Administrative Council (both churches), Finance (both churches), PPRC, Ruritans, UMM and UMW events, homecoming at Rose Park. Was a principal leader of the “Madison Day” inaugural event on May 4, 2019, which engaged 270 persons and 19 projects around the County. Tutored at-risk youth at the Madison Alternative School.  Working with the Madison Free Clinic to become mobile and to incorporate pharmacy students from MCV and Shenandoah U’s.  Was elected to the Board of Directors of MESA in January 2019 – three-year appointment (now Vice President).  Was appointed as the President of the Madison Ministerial Association in August 2019.  By the time of the Charge Conference I will have completed 4.2 CEUs worth of continuing education for this quadrennium (with 1 more CEU in October at Duke).  Also was involved in planning the renovation of the social hall at Rose Park prior to Homecoming on September 15, 2019.

I will not be continuing toward Ordination as an Elder in the Church at this time given the state of the dialogue around UMC separation.  I have found that my role as a full-time Licensed Local Pastor provides me all that I need to function within my role as priest, pastor, teacher and mentor for these two churches.  However, I may apply for a position as Associate Local Pastor after year four of my licensing – it will depend on where the UMC is going at that point in time.  I will continue my current spiritual disciplines and look forward to how God will lead me in the coming year. I will be actively participating in a Contemplative prayer group that will meet at Madison UMC beginning in early September.  I have engaged a spiritual director and have met monthly with him.

I am finding my way in leadership in the churches and my style and demeanor have been well received.  I have been blessed by my interactions with the people and both churches are spiritually vibrant.  I am currently reading (for the second time) a leadership text by Gil Rendle entitled, “Quietly Courageous”.

My goals for the coming year are to expand our missional outreach (planning Madison Day #2 for April 2020); engage the majority of adults and children in ongoing Christian education at both churches; continue outreach and invitation to the larger communities; collaboration events with Rapidan Baptist and Fairview Christian churches (first joint event 10/15/17) with the Rose Park church – attempt to replicate this with Madison UMC; new trail hiking ministry to improve health and to engage locals in creation care; outreach and welcome to those who are differently abled to both churches; worship service to those who are in recovery; expand our Youth program and its activities.